#100 cannon-ubbelohde cal visc
Approximate Constant, cSt/s: 0.015
Kinematic Viscosity Range, cSt: 3 to 15
Cannon®-Fenske Opaque
Reverse-flow viscometer for measurement of transparent and dark liquids having kinematic viscosities of up to 100,000cSt. Requires a sample of approximately 12mL. Allows timing of samples whose thin films are opaque and are thus not suitable for modified Ostwald and suspended-level type viscometers. Can be used for kinematic viscosities of asphalts by ASTM D2170 method. Use with K23310 and K23350 rectangular metal holders or K23381 and K23351 round plastic holders.
Cannon®-Ubbelohde Four-Bulb Shear Dilution
Suspended level viscometer for the measurement of intrinsic viscosity extrapolated to zero shear rate. Provides five-fold range of shear rates. Requires approximately 20mL of sample. Use with K23361 rectangular holder or K23384 round holder.
Suspended level viscometer for transparent liquids. Requires approximately 11mL of sample. Use with K23361 rectangular holder or K23384 round holder.
Suspended-level type viscometer for kinematic viscosities of transparent liquids of up to 100,000cSt. Requires a sample volume of approximately 11mL. Use with K23320 and K23350 rectangular metal holders or K23382
and K23351 round plastic holders.